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You can not request my private kits, as is why they are not listed as FTU.

Thursday, June 27, 2024
As people know, I also use my blog as a kind of a journal, and I have always been very open about who I am and that I'm very fragile. And my borderline, PTSD and ADD has a big role to play when it comes to my choices and my spontaneous decisions. Specially if I'm treated horrible and unfair. My brain has no filter and I speak my mind with no sugar coating. You also know that I have no problem admitting if and when I have behaved wrong, which I have openly apologies for.
But I'm not in fault of EVERYTHING, even though some say I am, and when I know I'm not wrong I couldn't care less about you because I can smell bullshit from a mile away and once, I have seen right through your intensions I'm done with you. This community has taught me a lot. When you just do what people say and let them use you to get free kits and access to free content, you are great. But when you then start to say no and put your foot down and set boundaries, that's when you suddenly see people's true colors. 
I will now admit that my whole reason behind making my blog private once in a while and locking some of my kits was to test some of you. And each time it was the same people who wrote me asking to get access to my free kits or complaining about not getting access. Same people, each time. And when I then finally gave access or opened my blog. Not a word, nothing. until I closed it again and locked some of the kits. Then you had no problem contacting me. 
All the free designs with open access are not enough for some, your greed is disgusting and your lack of respect for what I write is even more appalling.
I publish twice the amount for free than what I make private or add in my store. 
right now, I have 11 PRIVATE kits (that I have clearly written) not to be requested. These are a few that I would like for myself and some of my friends and family in Denmark.
But still, you request access like you couldn't care less of what I write, and when I decline that access, I'm meet by emails that are either insulting, negative or downright rude. You act as if you have the rights to have everything I post. 
(And I'm not referring to many others of you who many times even writes an apology for not have been aware or seen my writing) 
If I had not in all this time been met by rudeness, greed, selfishness, lies, backstabbing, bullying and disrespect, I would have shared A LOT more of what I design.
I have in the past months had migraine, depression has deteriorated, I've gotten nosebleed and more anxiety, I have been to my doctor today and she says I have severe stress.
Some will think, why in the hell do you continue if it makes you this sick, and the answer is, I love tagging and designing. it's some of the people that makes me sick.
Up until now I have tried a million ways to find solutions to exclude negative people and obtain positive thoughts and peace to do what I love, but there is always someone who has to break it all to pieces and also ruin it for everyone else who don't deserve the negative outcome, and the *list* of negative people has only gotten bigger because I stand my ground and people don't like it. 
''I am however very lucky for having many of you who has stood by me all along, I haven't said it so often because I have been drained and stressed, but you all mean more to me than you could ever know''
At last, due to my doctor's serious words today I honestly for the first time, don't know what to do, but drastic changes have to be made this time. I have even thought of just hitting the delete button on everything because I feel there is nothing but negativity. And if it is only mostly the ''WRONG'' people who sits here and downloads, then there is no longer any purpose in me doing all this. 


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Catty Creations

Catty Creations

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On this blog you are welcome to download and use everything that are shared public and listed as 'FTU', For personal use only. Read my Tou in the menu above for more info. I don't reply on emails unless it is store related. But above in chat you can leave me feedback or if you have other questions or just want to hang out, is completely free and secure. Everything has to be in English whether it is in chat, requests or email, otherwise I don't reply. I'm Danish myself and use translator. Due to me not wanting to share just everything with certain people due to violation of my terms, some of my designs are locked. but don't hesitate to click request via the download links on kits if it says FTU, I recognize most of people's names/mails addresses, or write the name in your request, that you for example use in comments or chat on my blog and then I accept. ❣

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